The tools in The Network Toolkit cover a wide range of needs, and are conveniently grouped into categories. Below we list the categories along with their respective tools.
Is there a tool that you use every day, and that you would like to see in the next version of The Network Toolkit? Let us know about it!
Network Analyzers
cdpr decoder for the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
Dice decodes network trace files and emits statistics.
WinDump command line network analyzer, the Windows version of the well known tcpdump.
Wireshark formerly known as Ethereal, Wireshark is a powerful network analyzer with support for more than 700 protocols.
Network Monitors
AdapterWatch tool for retrieving statistics about a network adapter.
Analyzer network analysis and monitoring software.
NetMeter bandwidth monitor.
Traffic Generators
D-ITG advanced traffic generator able to generate TCP, UDP, ICMP, DNS, Telnet and VoIP traffic.
SIPp a test tool/traffic generator for the SIP protocol.
ttcp simple TCP and UDP Test utility, designed to test the performance of a network link.
Network Scanners
Angry IP scanner a simple-to-use GUI-based network scanner.
NBTscan command line NETBIOS name scanner.
Nmap utility for network exploration and security auditing.
THC-Amap a scanning tool based on a database of triggers and responses.
UMIT (requires installation) a graphical user interface for NMap.
AirSnare (requires installation) network monitor useful for tracking hosts that communicate on your network.
SAM Jr: java package that provides real-time analysis of Snort data.
Snort a lightweight network intrusion detection system.
Network Utilities
ArpCacheWatch ARP cache monitor.
CurrPorts displays opened TCP/IP ports and connections.
DnsEye monitors DNS requests.
netcat reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol.
Network Packet Generator a packet injector that uses WinPcap to send specific packets out of a single or multiple network interfaces.
ngrep grep-like utility to search inside network packets.
Oinkmaster a script to update and manage Snort rules.
OpenSSH server an easy and quick way to launch an OpenSSH server.
Sam Spade a freeware network query tool.
The Metasploit Project a complete environment for writing, testing, and using exploit code.
Winfingerprint an administrative network resource scanner.
WinInterrogate a file system and process enumeration/integrity tool.
Network Clients
Blat Win32 command line utility that sends e-mail using the SMTP or NNTP protocols.
Secure Clients
PuTTY Telnet and SSH terminal.
WinSCP SFTP client using SSH.
FreeSnmp simple tool to perform SNMP queries.
NetSNMP a suite of SNMP manager tools.
wget utility to perform non-interactive downloads of files via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP.
Unix network clients various standard network tools.
Win32Whois simple Whois client.
Auditing Tools
Hydra simple password revealer.
John the Ripper utility to discover weak passwords.
Password Revealers
Asterisk Logger reveals passwords behind asterisks.
AsterWin IE discovers passwords used in Internet Explorer.
Dialupass discovers passwords used in Dial-Up authentications.
Protected Storage PassView discovers passwords used in Dial-Up authentications.
System Tools
DriverView: utility to view details about installed drivers.
RegScanner utility to search inside the registry.
StartupRun shows applications that are scheduled to start during the startup of the OS.
WinUpdatesList displays the operating systems updates, including the involved files.
Supplementary Tools
DOS Command Prompt runs a DOS Command Prompt in the command line tools directory.
Unix Shell Windows version of the Bash shell.
WinPcap 3.1 Installer-version of WinPcap. Can be used with tools not present in this collection.
WinPcap 4.0 beta1 Installer-version of WinPcap. Can be used with tools not present in this collection.